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Physically-based in Los Angeles, interacting and collaborating with a number of entities (and individuals) locally and globally; Lived Experience Solutions brings insight and deep comprehension to the table that is not replicated by theoretical knowledge alone.

Customers include


NGO’s (Non-Governmental Offices)


Government Offices

Organizer Groups

Service Providers


Educational (from Institutions to Life-Long Learners)

Community Organizations

Lived Experience Consultants

What customers look for

Some customers look for a broad understanding of societal issues; community dynamics; information gathering, dissemination and training; the impact of collective action; and helping build trust and establish meaningful partnerships with the people they serve.

Other customers look toward deliverables that lead to improved productivity, market relevance, sustainable growth, and/or develop a more inclusive environmental-space culture that values the unique perspectives and experiences of all involved

More goals of customers include enhanced ROI; improved resource allocation; policy efficiency; enhanced accountability; transparency to stakeholders and scalability of solutions;

Many organizations seek to highlight the impact of their work, while some want to attract a wider audience.

Lived Experience Consultants who are seeking website, soft- and hard-skill set coaching, peer support and a private forum for discussion

And, of course, some customers make use of nuanced understanding of social determinants of health; systemic barriers; and the lived realities of marginalized communities.

What are your goals?

Are you trying to bridge gaps between theoretical knowledge and practical realities?

Would you like to gain insight on what works and doesn’t work?