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Unique Attributes

Collage of polaroid-style photos depicting service traits and ethics

Key-Note Speaker

Project Advisor & Evaluation

Organizational Consultant

Peer Consultant

Feel free to connect with me. Ask questions.

Part of my expertise is in guiding people to ask questions. Questions and curiosity are steps on action paths.

There is a difference between Storytelling-Lived-Experience and Consulting-with-Lived-Experience

Both are valid endeavors. They require different skilll-sets.

Storytelling-Lived Experience

Storytelling-Lived Experience skill-sets require trauma-informed practices and approaches. Why?

Stories involving processing and sharing trauma have the potential to traumatize and re-traumatize the audience and the storyteller.

Storytelling Lived Experience is NOT therapy. It IS sharing of information (data and facts) in a relational structure. It is engaging our audience by telling stories for a specific purpose and conveying that message to our audience clearly; guiding to the larger picture.


Consulting-with-Lived Experience skill-sets require

  • proactively communicating;
  • managing project deadlines’
  • coordinating, developing, implementing and responding to emerging and ongoing issues;
  • course content development between subject matter experts and instructional designers;
  • building relationships with diverse communities

Lived Experience Solutions does both…